Press Releases

IĠM Disappointed at PM’s flouting of laws

The IĠM is very disappointed at the complete disrespect with which government is treating the laws of
October 23, 2020

Journalists’ questions regarding COVID19 measures censored on TVM…again

Yet again, the directive of the Malta Broadcasting Authority has been used to censor the information given
October 17, 2020

Editorial: A pen dipped in blood

The pen we are told is mightier than the sword. We, who live in Malta in 2020 have adapted this idiom. For
October 16, 2020

Miżuri b’rabta mal-COVID-19

Il-Covid-19 f’Malta reġgħet għolliet rasha, u fi żmien ta’ pandemija, l-irwol tal-ġurnalisti,
October 14, 2020

Li l-ġurnalisti ma kienux mistiedna għall-iffirmar tal-ftehim tal-Miżieb huwa att anti-demokratiku

L-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin (IĠM) huwa ddiżappuntat ferm dwar kif f’okkażżjoni li fiha l-Gvern
October 10, 2020


Malta has opened up an opportunity for illicit activity to occur, by removing all dissolved companies’
October 8, 2020
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