Malta Journalism Awards 30 – Rules and Regulations
The Event: The Malta Journalism Awards is an annual event organised by the Malta Journalism Awards Commission within The Institute of Maltese Journalists, Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin (IĠM). Aim: The aim of the Awards is to honour journalists or contributors whose work, published in the previous calendar year, contributed to the […]
Ilment dwar imbuttar u xkiel fuq ġurnalist waqt il-qadi ta’ dmirijietu
L-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin irċieva ilment mingħand is-Sur Edward Montebello, kap tat-taqsima tal-aħbarijiet ta’ One, nhar is-Sibt 19 ta’ Settembru 2020. Fl-ilment tiegħu, s-Sur Montebello ippreżenta link li fiha filmat li qal huwa uncut (tistgħu issibuha hawn taħt) li qal juri ċar li l-ġurnalist ġie imblukkat u imbuttat waqt li kien […]
New Complaints Procedure Adopted
The IGM receives and investigates complaints where journalists are hindered from doing their job. This is taken very seriously and investigated. The IGM affirms its position that all journalists must be allowed to do their jobs freely. To this end, the IGM will be following this procedure: When the complaint […]
Letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Evarist Bartolo, calling for action regarding the situation in Belarus
Dear Minister Bartolo, The Institute of Maltese Journalists believes that your Ministry is following closely the developments in Belarus after the recently reportedly rigged elections. The Belarusian population is currently experiencing the most violent attack on their fundamental rights on top of a presidential election, the result of which is […]
COVID-19: IĠM calls for responsibility from the media and the general public
In view of the current pandemic situation in Malta, the IĠM calls for responsibility both from the media as well as the general public. The media is responsible of ensuring that information published is correct and gives a clear picture of the actual situation, while ensuring journalistic ethics are adhered […]
Ittra lill-kapijiet tal-Aħbarijiet dwar miżuri relatati mal-COVID19
Għażiż Kap tal-Aħbarijiet, Fl-aħħar jiem, numru ta’ ġurnalisti u kmamar tal-aħbarijiet esprimew magħna tħassib dwar il-mod kif qed jaħdmu l-ġurnalisti fis-sitwazzjoni tal-COVID-19, speċjalment fid-dawl taż-żieda fin-numru ta’ kazijiet attivi. L-IĠM huwa tal-fehma li l-ġurnalisti kollha għandhom jilbsu l-maskri jew visors waqt li jkunu qed jattendu konferenzi tal-aħbarijiet u attivitajiet oħra. […]