Press Releases

Speech by IĠM President together with Repubblika and journalist Mr Nello Scavo after the latter testified in the case brought by the police against Neville Gafa

“In 2020 Reporters without Borders ranked Malta in the 81st place in press freedom ranking. This
October 1, 2020

Malta Journalism Awards 30 – Rules and Regulations

The Event: The Malta Journalism Awards is an annual event organised by the Malta Journalism Awards
September 21, 2020

Ilment dwar imbuttar u xkiel fuq ġurnalist waqt il-qadi ta’ dmirijietu

L-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin irċieva ilment mingħand is-Sur Edward Montebello, kap tat-taqsima
September 19, 2020

New Complaints Procedure Adopted

The IGM receives and investigates complaints where journalists are hindered from doing their job. This is
September 19, 2020

30th edition of the Malta Journalism Awards

18 categories in recognition of journalistic efforts The Malta Journalism Awards Commission, within the
September 14, 2020

“It is the role of journalists to ask questions and the role of PR officials to service those questions”

The IĠM refers to a tweet by a journalist who put forward a legitimate request to a ministry official
September 12, 2020
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